Crysterra Wellness Yoga
Yoga can be traced back to northern India over 5,000 years ago. The Sanskrit word “yui” was first mentioned in the ancient Rig Veda texts and translates to “union” or “join”. The practice of yoga involves physical movement (Asana), breathing techniques (Pranayama), meditation (Dhyāna) and deep rest (Savasana), to promote mental and physical well-being.
Yoga is essentially a discipline which focuses on bringing harmony between body, breath, mind, heart and spirit for a holistic life. It is a science of healthy, peaceful and harmonious living with self and others
A regular yoga practice can promote endurance, strength, flexibility, calmness, a reduction in stress and anxiety, improved sleep and overall improved well-being.
Crysterra Wellness Yoga offerings are inspired by these ancient philosophies and have been designed with a modern approach to assist in the pursuit of optimal wellness in our everyday and often hectic lives.
For Class Schedule and Registration Information: click here
Please scroll down for Class Descriptions

Class Descriptions:
Hatha-Flow Yoga for Wellness (Beginner/Level 1– Intermediate/Level 2)
Improve physical and mental balance, flexibility, strength and stamina with this moderately challenging yoga practice. Vinyasa translates to “flow” through the connection of breath with movement and Hatha translates to “sun & moon” representing balance and unification in Sanskrit. Suitable for those with a moderate fitness level, some experience with yoga is helpful although not necessary. Modifications offered for both dialing back and going deeper into your practice
Tuesday Evenings
Morning Flow Vinyasa (Beginner/Level 1 - Intermediate/Level 2)
Get up & get your body moving through a series of fluid postures flowing through sequences of sun salutations, standing and seated postures in this energizing early morning class. Emphasis is placed on linking breath with movement increasing strength, flexibility and stamina. This class is suitable for most fitness and experience levels. Modifications are offered for both dialing back and going deeper into your practice. A perfect “hump day” pick-me-up!
Wednesday Mornings
Gentle Restorative Hatha Yoga (Beginner/Level 1)
Relax and Restore with this gentle, stress relieving yoga practice. Create harmony and balance of body and mind through physical postures, breathing techniques and an extended guided relaxation at the end of class. Suitable for most fitness and experience levels. Modifications are offered for both dialing back and going deeper into your practice. This class is a perfect introduction to yoga.
Thursday Mornings
Mindful Yoga w/Meditation (Beginner/Level 1)
Experience a calmer nervous system, improved ability to cope with stress and pain, higher quality sleep, better focus and attention as well as an overall sense of ease and well-being with this mindful yoga practice paired with meditation. In this gentle practice, we will combine movement, breath work, mindfulness and meditation to cultivate the many benefits associated with a regular mindful meditation practice. Each week we will explore a different meditation technique (guided visualization, candle gazing, singing bowls, mudras etc.) Suitable for all fitness and experience levels. A perfect introduction to yoga and meditation.
Thursday Evenings
Restorative Yoga w/Reflexology (Beginner/Level 1)
Reset and Restore with this gentle, calming yoga practice paired with the healing and regenerative benefits of reflexology. Reflexology is the stimulation of specific pressure points “reflexes” on the hands and feet that relate to the organs, glands and systems of the body. This deeply nurturing and relaxing class teaches a different reflex location each week for self-application, as well as an extended relaxation with a mini-reflexology session from the instructor at the end of each class to get you completely and totally relaxed. Suitable for all fitness and experience levels. A perfect introduction to yoga and reflexology.
Yoga Nidra
Yoga Nidra (Yogic Sleep) is a deep relaxation practice that has been shown to reduce stress, tension and anxiety as well as calm symptoms of chronic pain, headaches, depression and high blood pressure by balancing the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems as well as the left and right hemispheres of the brain. Yoga Nidra promotes the production of low beta, increases and balances alpha and theta, and produces delta brainwaves. 1 hour of Yoga Nidra is said to be equivalent to 4 hours of restorative sleep! This class is suitable for all fitness and experience levels.
Virtual Holiday Yoga Offering
*also part of Mindful Yoga w/Meditation programming